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Hello, MacTechnics!

When you’ve put your life, content, and even your business online, and you’ve done so on a stellar WordPress website that you’ve spent many hours creating, the last thing you’d want to happen is for it to fall victim to a cyber attack.

WordPress is a highly secure platform, but hackers are, unfortunately, always out there working hard with malicious intent to break into even the most well-protected websites, including WordPress sites like yours, to do damage.

However, on the bright side, there are many additional steps you can take to secure your WordPress site against these do-no-gooders. In this email, the first in a three-part series, I want to share with you four top tips for locking those bad actors out of your home on the internet.

Let’s dive in!

Enable a Web Application Firewall (WAF).
Think of a WAF as your website’s personal bodyguard, always on the lookout for troublemakers trying to crash the party. It’s like having a bouncer for your site, keeping the bad guys out while letting the good guys enjoy the festivities. DreamHost enables this by default as “extra web security”. 
Be mindful when adding new plugins and themes.
We all love to spruce up our sites with fancy themes and snazzy plugins, but remember, not all of them are created equal. Make sure you only use well-reviewed and trusted options from reputable sources. Each additional plug-in and theme adds an additional attack surface for hackers. A little caution goes a long way!
Run regular security scans. 
Treat your website to regular security check-ups with security scans with DreamShield. This will help ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your website data. These scans are like a friendly doctor, finding and fixing vulnerabilities before they turn into full-blown problems. DreamShield is a fantastic tool that will help you keep your website in tip-top shape.

In the second email in this series, I’ll tell you four more ways that you can keep your WordPress site sitting pretty against hackers. See you then!

Glen Jackson 

Head of Security at DreamHost 6/5

Hello, -MacTechnics!

In my previous email to you, I began a discussion about how important it is to safeguard your WordPress website against hackers who might seek to exploit any cracks in its security armor and do malicious things with it once they’re inside.

We’re back with four more delightful and easy-to-follow security tips to give your WordPress site that extra layer of protection it deserves. Let’s jump right in!

Track your admin area activity.

Having multiple users on your WordPress site is like hosting a party with lots of guests. Make sure to regularly check what they’re up to in the admin area to ensure everyone’s playing by the rules and no uninvited guests are crashing the fun.


Back up your site regularly.

Think of regular site backups as your superhero cape, swooping in to save the day if things go south. Should any digital mischief occur, you can quickly restore your site to its former glory and get back to the party in no time.

Update PHP.

WordPress runs on PHP, the lifeblood of your site. Just like you need to stay hydrated for optimal health, it’s crucial to keep your PHP updated. Each version of PHP is supported for two years after it’s released. Keeping updated will protect you from security concerns, performance issues, and pesky bugs.

Hide Your WordPress Version.

Keeping your WordPress version a secret is like wearing a disguise at a masquerade ball – it adds an element of mystery and keeps unwanted attention at bay. Use a plugin like WPCode to easily hide your WordPress version number, even through theme updates.


I hope that the eight WordPress security recommendations I’ve shared with you in these two emails have given you a helpful sampling of ideas about how to protect your website from hackers, as well as peace of mind!

Glen Jackson

Head of Security at DreamHost 6/12

Hello, MacTechnics!

When you’ve put your life, content, and even your business online, and you’ve done so on a stellar WordPress website that you’ve spent many hours creating, the last thing you’d want to happen is for it to fall victim to a cyber attack.

WordPress is a highly secure platform, but hackers are, unfortunately, always out there working hard with malicious intent to break into even the most well-protected websites, including WordPress sites like yours, to do damage.

However, on the bright side, there are many additional steps you can take to secure your WordPress site against these do-no-gooders. In this email, the first in a three-part series, I want to share with you four top tips for locking those bad actors out of your home on the internet.

Let’s dive in!

Enable a Web Application Firewall (WAF).
Think of a WAF as your website’s personal bodyguard, always on the lookout for troublemakers trying to crash the party. It’s like having a bouncer for your site, keeping the bad guys out while letting the good guys enjoy the festivities. DreamHost enables this by default as “extra web security”. 
Be mindful when adding new plugins and themes.
We all love to spruce up our sites with fancy themes and snazzy plugins, but remember, not all of them are created equal. Make sure you only use well-reviewed and trusted options from reputable sources. Each additional plug-in and theme adds an additional attack surface for hackers. A little caution goes a long way!
Run regular security scans. 
Treat your website to regular security check-ups with security scans with DreamShield. This will help ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your website data. These scans are like a friendly doctor, finding and fixing vulnerabilities before they turn into full-blown problems. DreamShield is a fantastic tool that will help you keep your website in tip-top shape.

In the second email in this series, I’ll tell you four more ways that you can keep your WordPress site sitting pretty against hackers. See you then!

Glen Jackson 

Head of Security at DreamHost 6/5

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